

I'm down to earth and often blog about what lies beyond my eyes. But oh well, it doesn't matter what I choose to blog about 'cause no matter how carefully I choose your words, it will still get twisted by others.

I only have two person that i can't live without and that is my hubby,Muhammad Rahmat and my cutest son, Muhammad Ariq Rizzwandy.


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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hidden Changes in Here

Cry till you're asleep
But you smiled in your sleep

There is some changes in my blog. Spot it yourself and i ain't gonna tell you what is the changes.
And oh! tomorrow is countdown for 2010. Oh-la-la! Couldn't wait for it and hope tomorrow will be good day. Hopefully, no fighting, no down moodines and no crying. Wish for the best. May 2010 will be a good year for everyone since 2009 didn't do any good for us. So yeah...May 2010 will be better than 2009.

Lets bid Goodbye to 2009.
Goodbye 2009
&Welcome 2010.
May 2010 will be a better than 2009.
As years ages, may it goes on better and better.

Much Love, RizahDarling.

all material copyright No Restrictions of Life: Hidden Changes in Here. layout by aellyniq. patterns by fl4shy colors by beatbox. inspiration from myspace. powered by blogger.