

I'm down to earth and often blog about what lies beyond my eyes. But oh well, it doesn't matter what I choose to blog about 'cause no matter how carefully I choose your words, it will still get twisted by others.

I only have two person that i can't live without and that is my hubby,Muhammad Rahmat and my cutest son, Muhammad Ariq Rizzwandy.


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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I wished you're strong enough to hold me tight and never let me go.

I want to let it out here but I just couldn't seems to find the right sentence or words to describe what i truly feel. I don't even know where should I even get it started. One thing for sure, I just couldn't control myself but my tears slip endlessly. You don't want to know since when..

I felt like I don't have anyone to turn to. I'm only left with you in my life. Wishing and hoping that you would understand how I feel but things just ain't going the way i wanted it to go. I have been faking a smile for quite a long time that I, myself couldn't even remember since when. I will continue about this next post.

all material copyright No Restrictions of Life. layout by aellyniq. patterns by fl4shy colors by beatbox. inspiration from myspace. powered by blogger.