

I'm down to earth and often blog about what lies beyond my eyes. But oh well, it doesn't matter what I choose to blog about 'cause no matter how carefully I choose your words, it will still get twisted by others.

I only have two person that i can't live without and that is my hubby,Muhammad Rahmat and my cutest son, Muhammad Ariq Rizzwandy.


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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Baby, this is for you.

Heart is Shattered,
This is Fated
But its Unexpected.

Thank you, Shalin, for being there whenever i'm in need. Thank you so much. Everyone's busy with their own problem and stress but even when you have your own problem, you still have time for others too. You're the greatest.

I wrote something on a paper last night.
Didn't have a clue of why?
And i know it doesn't sounds right.
Atleast, i did try.

Now I've seen your true colours,
And also You've seen mine,
We've seen the real-self of each other,
Obviously, you thought I was a dime,
I'm sorry for i am not,
&Hopefully, we will be better in time.


It is just a simple note of what i feel.

Much Love, RizahDarling.

all material copyright No Restrictions of Life: Baby, this is for you.. layout by aellyniq. patterns by fl4shy colors by beatbox. inspiration from myspace. powered by blogger.