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Thursday, January 21, 2010Yeah, it does hurts alot. Having period and the pain is seriously unbearable. Didn't have my breakfast in the morning and i just swallowed 3 tablet of panadols. The pain wasn't that bad but still, its painful. Didn't have my lunch either. Where i don't have to pull the tab for others. Where i don't have to walk through miles under the hot sun. Where i shall stop expecting flowers or a box of chocolates infront of my door on Valentine. Where i wouldn't have to look down on myself ever again. Where i don't have to wait any compliments from my boyfriend. Where i'll hear him praise me without me asking. Where i'll hear the compliments from my boyfriend instead of other guys. Though, what i have mentioned above doesn't sound like an average life.. But still, that is what most girls dream-ed of. Oh Well, What i'm sure of is that i'm truly tired of looking down on myself. Still remember there was once i looked down on myself just because my ex-boyfriend makes me feel that way. But what the hell, he should be looking down on himself for not taking the tab and make me pull out my money &obviously, that looks bad. It hurts alot and none knows that i'm hurting. None bother that much cause they'll only ask me whether i'm fine when they're not. Much Love, RizahDarling. |
all material copyright No Restrictions of Life: Yeah, it does hurts alot.. layout by aellyniq. patterns by fl4shy colors by beatbox. inspiration from myspace. powered by blogger. |