

I'm down to earth and often blog about what lies beyond my eyes. But oh well, it doesn't matter what I choose to blog about 'cause no matter how carefully I choose your words, it will still get twisted by others.

I only have two person that i can't live without and that is my hubby,Muhammad Rahmat and my cutest son, Muhammad Ariq Rizzwandy.


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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pain explains everything.

Couldn't help it
But this is the way i am.

I'm sorry for being rude.
I'm sorry for being sarcastic.
I'm sorry for i just couldn't be bothered.
I'm sorry for the attitude i have in me.
I'm sorry for the changes in myself and our r/s.

Sorry for the pain i've caused you.
Sorry for the tears you cried for.
I'm really sorry for every single thing.

I've composed a new poem and i love it truckloads. I don't know why but somehow it just explain what i truly feel.

I thought I could go through the rain,
I thought I could go through the storms,
I thought I could bear the pain,
I thought I could bear the thorns,

I thought I'm standing strong,
But I realise that I was just pretending,
Now I knew I was wrong all along,
And I shall start realising,
Where everyone says Last Long,
Where everyone hoped for Happy Ending,
When everyone's down,
When everyone's crying,
They realised all those words were just for pleasing.

End! hope you guys like it(:

Much Love, RizahDarling.

all material copyright No Restrictions of Life: Pain explains everything.. layout by aellyniq. patterns by fl4shy colors by beatbox. inspiration from myspace. powered by blogger.